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All you need to know about conveyancing

Conveyancing is about exchange of legitimate title of property starting from one individual to another. Conveyancing usually has two stages to go through i.e. trading of contract and then finalization of the same i.e. settlement. However, to make sure that conveyancing is initiated and taken to its final stage, there must be at least two wiling parties to the contract i.e. the buyer and seller.

Both the parties must be interested in same property, and are looking forward to enter into conveyancing wherein they can legally get the property transferred and that too within a specified time frame. For individuals, who are looking forward to enter into such contracts they can even choose to seek professional help and go through the process with full ease and comfort.

Conveyancing practices

Once you have started with the property dealing, the words you would soon listen is exchange of contracts. These contracts have to be signed between the buyer and seller, in the presence of each party’s conveyancer. Following methods have to be followed when you are about to enter into transfer of property;

  • A purchase or sale of property is not binding unless the contracts are exchanged between both the parties. This gives freedom to both the parties to take the right decision. Along with the contract, a deposit also has to be given at the time of exchange of contracts.
  • Prior to exchange of contracts, either party have the option to cancel the transaction and no party shall have any obligation to abide by. However, this can a bit stressful especially when you have been a part of lengthy chain to which you are trying to reach to a conclusion.
  • Once the contracts have been exchanged, the parties are both legally committed to each other, which means they have agreed to the terms of sale. If in case, anyone tries to lose the agreement at this stage there are chances that you will lose the deposit paid on exchange.
  • Price negotiations is yet another important aspect of conveyancing. Both buyer and seller have to arrive at a stage where they both agree to the price and are willing to go ahead with the process of conveyancing. It is advisable, prices should always be fixed by researching the market and understanding what prices are the best for your property.

How can conveyancer help?

Once you have hired professional help for conveyancing you can stay assured of carrying out purchase or sale transaction appropriately without committing any kind of error. Moreover, you can make the most of these transactions by closing the deal at best prices, right time and in the correct manner.

Final words

From the facts mentioned above, it is evident that conveyancing is a legal process to go through and hence seeking professional help is a must. One must look for different options in the market, and hence opt for the one which suits your budget and specific set of requirements. You can even personally meet the professionals in the industry, and interview them to ensure that you enter into the best deal available.


Agatha Correia
Penelope Penny Sage King: Penny, a professional organizer, offers organization hacks, storage solutions, and advice on maintaining a tidy home.